the great conjunction 2020 predictions

Don't miss out on viewing the Jupiter and Saturn's Great Conjunction of 2020 which occurs on Winter Solstice (December 21st). They are usually separated by 400 million miles. In 2021, we will finally be rid of the Saturn and Pluto conjunction, which in 2019 and 2020 forced us to change our habits and metamorphose internally. I interpret this as restraints of good values. Our documentary Collective Evolution III provides a more indepth and detailed discussion of this topic if you’re interested. By the time I stepped out onto the stage my nerves were at a very manageable point and all went well with the talk. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”, 11. This energy can be passionate, sexual, sensual, or reflect social and/or creative activity. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone. December 21 – Winter Solstice – Great Conjunction – Grand Mutation. Is it a coincidence that this is happening on the winter solstice? As mentioned, Mercury is currently retrograde completely in Aquarius. What are these dynamics, developments, or circumstances showing you? In fact, the 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was exceptionally close. Again, a portion of this community believes some sort of big event is going to happen, but based on these predictions that seem to have been a constant in the spiritual/truther community, nothing noticeable is going to happen. You can listen to Manly P. Hall, recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult, discuss this time we are now transitioning into, here, where he discusses Carl Jung’s book on the UFO phenomenon linked above. BLOG. As I said in my forecast for this month of December, there was going to be one of those especially significant Astrological events, with far-reaching consequences occurring on the 21st of this month. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the December 21 st Solstice is lighting up your 7 th House, symbolising partnerships of all kind. This summation of his life and work connects deeply to what Collective Evolution is all about, and shares much in common with what inspired me to create this platform in the first place. “Everything about other people that doesn’t satisfy us helps us to better understand ourselves.”, If you’re inspired by what you’ve seen here, you might find Carl Jung’s 4 stages of life interesting. At Collective Evolution and CETV, this is a big part of our mission. I also believe that it’s been confirmed that major astrological events and changes directly correlate with human consciousness. I don’t think something major is going to happen that’s going to change life as we know it in one day, but again, but who knows? I believe this is why we are starting to ask ourselves why we live the way we do, and why do we do the things we do. Jupiter and Saturn are going to be an astonishing 0.1 degrees apart — less than the diameter of a full moon. 20 Profound Quotes By Carl Jung That Will Help You To Better Understand Yourself, One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”. Tools like EFT or ‘tapping,’ can help us break those patterns. The fact that these two planets are coming together in the first degree of Aquarius bodes well for the incoming Age of Aquarius. In putting together the quotes in this article, I gained an even deeper appreciation for Jung and his work, as I uncovered the conscious themes that were apparent throughout his teachings. Although Aquarius energy is evolutionary and open minded (reflected by Uranus), it can also be unyielding (reflected by Saturn) when it comes to viewpoints outside of what it has already determined to be truth, fact, or what is best. Although this energy is exact on the 10th/11th during this New Moon, it can still be noticeable over the following four days as Mercury retrograde will continue to bring the energies of these planets together. What’s Going To Happen: On December 21st of this year, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn coincidently will appear to almost merge in our night sky, appearing almost as one giant star to the visible eye. As we’ve discussed many times in our work, we are extraordinary beings with extraordinary capabilities, only, we have forgotten how to access all of our faculties. The Great conjunction occurs every twenty years or so, and is when both Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the zodiac. The one thing to consider is that Saturn is the stronger planet of the two in this conjunction. Then came the tapping. We may assert ourselves more softly than usual and can be more easy going. This is a period in which Uranus themes (as mentioned) will be at odds with Saturn themes (as mentioned). 2020 ends with one of the decade's most auspicious astrological events: the "Great Conjunction" of Jupiter and Saturn! One hundred years, or one thousand years in our years may be a millisecond for those who are watching from somewhere else. Make sure you follow Collective Evolution on Telegram as we have no idea how much longer we will be on Facebook. Saturn restricts, and Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in Taurus, is going to create a strong resistance to Aquarian values. These periods apparently mark very important social psychological change in the life of individuals, and the collective. Change passes over all things, without exception.”. In this video I discuss The great conjunction of 2020 astrology predictions. Whether we had one experience that threw us into a story and belief that we can’t speak well publicly or whether we were told by someone when we were young that we shouldn’t do it, these sorts of belief systems are rehearsed in our minds over and over, and we create powerful neural pathways and biochemical patterns in our bodies based on those beliefs. It is about patience, practicality, discipline, and boundaries. “Depression is like a woman in black. Venus in Aquarius is in a conjunction with Jupiter during this New Moon. Find out in this episode as we welcome Mark Alexander, an expert Vedic Astrologer. As stated by Nick Ortner of ‘The Tapping Solution:’, “When you think about your life, what events, limiting beliefs, or deep-seated emotions do you have that are holding you back? “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”, 7. Venus in Aquarius moves towards a square with Mars in Taurus which will be exact on February 19th/20th. Watch his powerful video here. Get a personalized astrology reading with Carmen (author of this article) specific to you based on your exact birth date, time, and location. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did given everything that’s happening on our planet. It is intellectual, objective, and can be rational yet idealistic at the same time. Follow me on Instagram here. By turning inward and focusing on yourself, rather than the flaws of others, you will make the best of … I wrote a separate article on this, you can read it here. You can join CETV here, it’s a platform we created to help combat the censorship and demonetization we’ve experienced. Finally, the “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn occurs at the winter solstice on December 21. Collective Evolution. Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear of scarcity dominate. This can play out as ‘old versus new’, ‘restrictions versus freedom’, ‘the status quo versus revolution’, ‘commitments/responsibilities versus liberation’, ‘elder versus youth’, and so forth. Click here to learn more! great conjunction 2020 predictions . A great conjunction will occur between the planets Jupiter and Saturn on 21 December 2020. Our current age that we are now transitioning out of is described in The Mahabharata, a time when mental capabilities reach their lowest point and moral virtue is stripped from the Earth. This is a significant time of adjustments, re-orientations, re-visitation, and a shift in developments or circumstances connected to the themes of this sign. Outside of the overlapping Aquarian themes mentioned, Saturn is also traditional, conservative, and cautious. Negatively, Aquarius can be overly detached, aloof, unemotional, and very invested in the mind at the expense of the heart. This cycle will include a Full Moon in Virgo on February 26th/27th. Activities involving water may come up. It rules commitments, maturity, responsibilities,  limitations, restrictions, obstacles, the status quo,  and structures in general. However, a friend can easily reveal something about us that we have absolutely no idea about.”, 20. Here are 20 from Jung that I feel not only serve as an accurate representation of his work, but also provide much to reflect on. Top trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) were supposed to be the big news of 2021 and will still define tech trends in 2021. He had a deep appreciation of our creative life and considered spirituality a central part of the human journey.”. The events of 2020 have turned most predictions for 2021 on their head. Something many of us have never been properly exposed to and thus don’t understand the real meaning of  or value of. “We may think that we fully control ourselves. Over the coming 200 years, this Next Great Awakening will be a time when science, … “Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.”, 10. The Great Conjunction represents a changing of an era, and a time where we shift our way of viewing the world. At that time, it can also be good for reconnecting with old friends, expansive insights, rediscovering something that we value, or revisiting perspectives/educational material and perceiving it in a different way. Saturn is also currently in a sextile with Chiron until February 15th and will later make two more exact sextiles between now and the end of the year. However this can also play out as conflicts or competitiveness with friends or lovers, financial disputes, tensions around values, or impulsive spending and pleasure seeking. Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse. Carl Jung also describes this transition, “As we know from Ancient Egyptian History, these events are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one platonic month, and at the beginning of another. When Jupiter meets Saturn in Aquarius, we will see new groups emerge, worldwide, as the old institutions, like the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – and the European Union – split up into new regions. While it’s a bummer that the holiday soiree circuit won’t be lit in 2020, pick up the entertainment director’s baton for the coming year. 1.”One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”, 2. These days, it’s not just knowing information and facts that will create change, it’s changing ourselves, how we go about communicating, and re-assessing the underlying stories, ideas and beliefs that form our world. I believe these changes, events, and energies that may be coming to Earth impact us greatly and that it happens little by little over time, and that we are currently experiencing it. 2020 Astrology: Key Astrological Transits New international friendships and alliances will form. But I do know one thing, humanity must learn to live together in peace and good will. I've recently read about the conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in 2020 and I'm now very anxious/nervous to see what this could symbolize. This can be good for taking a disciplined approach to healing, overcoming negative patterns, and addressing some of our core wounds. My predictions: - Donald Trump will not vacate the office even if he loses in the election of 2020. We are now nearing the great change, which may be expected, when the spring point, enters Aquarius.”. On December 21st, the Great Conjunction will occur. “You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.”, According to LiveScience, “Before the very close 1623 great conjunction, which was likely impossible to see from Earth because the planets appeared so close to the sun, the last visible and seemingly intimate meeting between Jupiter and Saturn happened in March 1226.”. Mars will be aligned with the malefic star Algol and this combined with the Pluto influence can also be a time of bad intentioned efforts for some people or in the world around us. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, we are the ones that will change things, and are changing things. On December 21, while we will be stepping into winter via the winter solstice, we will also have a powerful Saturn Jupiter Conjunction in the sign of Aquarius ushering in some powerful and new energy that I feel is fresh and optimistic. However, this can also be a time of integrating Saturn and Uranus such as incorporating technological, scientific, or metaphysical approaches to help us with our work. A conjunction means that there is a fancy way of saying two planets are coming together at the same point in the sky. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”, 18. The Great Conjunction in Aquarius and World Predictions. As our world view changes, so too does society and the way we choose to approach things. Within 20 minutes of going through the technique, I was chilled out and no longer nervous. Furthermore, I believe we are currently living through and witnessing this “event” as a process that continues to speed up every single day, month and year. Invite her in, offer her a seat, treat her like a guest and listen to what she wants to say.”, 14. What technological updates, upgrades, changes, or integrations would be appropriate in the near future? It involves the meeting of both Jupiter and Saturn at the same degree of the zodiac. A horoscope a day keeps the doubts away. Follow me on... Update (January 2021): CE Founder Joe Martino and myself  discussed this topic in depth in a recent podcast episode.

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