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His Dragon, Nightfang, went berserk and the Dark Elves were scattered by the Dragon's rampage. From beneath the Blackspine Mountains, the Dark Elves ventured further and further into Lustria to the south. Led by the new Phoenix King, who had taken the name Caledor to honour his grandsire, the armies opposed to Malekith fought a cunning campaign of ambush and counterattack. Aenarion himself slew four Greater Daemons of Chaos, with the help of faithful Indraugnir. [1b], Thus do the dread hosts of Naggaroth spread across the world, their fell banners dancing grimly on the wind, each warrior alert to the prospect of wicked joy that every battle brings. With so many warriors lost in the attack on Naggaroth, Morvael was forced to institute a system of militia levies on the people of Ulthuan, insisting that all High Elves be trained for military service. A whirling, screaming tempest of magical energy engulfed Ulthuan, slaying thousands and tearing down towers and castles. Within a decade, the High Elves came again, launching attacks from the Annulii Gates to strike into the heart of the Shadowlands.[1k]. Here, the Dark Elves turned and faced Mentheus, determined that Anlec would never again fall. For many, the natural successor to Aenarion was his son, Malekith. Magical wards and glittering spears protected the growing cities of the Elves from attack and for a while a fragile peace descended. The Dark Elves, or the Druchii as they call themselves in their own tongue, also known as the Naggarothi or the "Dark Ones",[5a] are one of the most ancient, powerful, and certainly the most sadistic of the three Elven civilisations of the world. The Palace of Joyous Oblivion, commanded by Luthern Fellhearth, was sunk by the enchanted starblade ram of the dragonship Indraugnir in a sea battle not far from the Blighted Isle. For the last two hundred years Malekith has plotted, conspiring with seers and Daemons, seeking the time for his retaliation against Teclis and his kin. Surrounded by the hunters of Chrace and flanked by the silent Phoenix Guard of Asuryan, the king of Ulthuan confronted Malekith. Oblivious to the peril that descended upon their lands, the princes gathered to hear Malekith. Even the stones from which it was built were melted or ground down so that no trace of Anlec remained to stain the lands of Ulthuan. One day the slaves broke through a seam to find themselves in a huge subterranean chamber, many miles across.[1k]. Prince Tyrion fought with savage skill and defiance, and he slew all four hunters. The Dark Elves of Naggaroth, always seeking to distance themselves from their former brethren in Ulthuan, have developed their own language, called Druhir. [1c], Naturally, the Dark Elves consider all other intelligent races inferior. Sci-Fi & Fantasy 05/31/20: Truman Revisited (4.63) Sweet memories. Eventually, Girathon's natural talent for schemes and politics caught up with him -- he finally died at the hands of his master when the Witch King learnt of a plot by Girathon to seize control of Ghrond. Aided by renegade sorcerers, Hotek used the Hammer of Vaul to construct a suit of armour for the crippled Malekith; although his body had been all but broken, the prince of Nagarythe had clung to life. Even the all-night sacrifices ordered by Hellebron and the hunts organised by the Witch King could do little to lift the morale of the Dark Elves. From across Ulthuan, the hosts of the Witch King marched to Finuval Plain to crush the last resistance. The Witch King was unimpressed by the ragtag army of Tiranoc charioteers, Ellyrian cavalry, Sapherian mages and the weary militia regiments. Every detail of an opponent's poise and stance speaks volumes to an attentive Elf, telling him not only where and when the enemy intends to strike, but also the manner in which the act of attacking will weaken the foe's guard. [1b], They are relentlessly aggressive in battle, shouting praises to their black gods as they cut down their foes. Though a Dark Elf's swiftness of mind and deftness of body serve him well individually, it is the combination of the two which grants him such murderous prowess in battle. As the four-armed Daemon of Chaos loomed over the Everqueen, lightning suddenly erupted from the darkness, hurling N'kari back. In a great caravan, a hundred laden wagons drawn by a thousand Cold Ones, the Hag Sorceress led an expedition into the north. Every Black Ark returned to the Sea of Malice and an army the likes of which had not been seen for five centuries prepared for invasion. Naggarothi forces occupied these kingdoms. When Malekith discovered that his mother was the chief architect of the cults, he renounced her and ordered that she be imprisoned upon her capture, along with thousands of her misguided disciples. Girathon continued to serve the Witch King for another three hundred years, during which he returned to Ulthuan eight more times. The High Elves' offensive was utterly unexpected, and a column of glittering knights charged from Griffon Gate and Dragon riders soared overhead. [1b], Dark Elf Trophies from WAR: Age of Reckoning. Although Malekith's cultists were wreaking havoc, they were not unopposed. It was Morathi's assassins that found Imrik and they closed in on their prey with evil intent. The Witch King would summon the Daemon hordes to fight at his side and sweep away all opposition. Laden with gold and strange artefacts, these expeditions were greeted with celebration upon their return. Though the reverse was unexpected, Tethlis had not plunged foolishly headlong towards Anlec. Their every word conceals a depth of meaning that is altered wholly by the slightest change of inflection or stance. Browse all our shows. He wandered through its ice-trapped streets, between colossal buildings that hurt the eyes to look upon. Particularly in the freezing winter months, travelling under the surface proved much safer than overland or across the storm-wracked Sea of Malice. Jutting from within the black altar stood the weapon of the Lord of Murder -- the Widowmaker, the Spear of Vengeance, the Sword of Khaine, the Godslayer. Panic swept through Ulthuan as these crimes grew in boldness and horror, until Aethis finally acted.[1k]. [1c], Indeed, some of the more capable barbarians can even be wielded as weapons in their own right, manipulated by threats, trinkets and empty promises into assailing the shores of hated Ulthuan or else wreaking havoc upon the high seas. With their lord seemingly destroyed, the Dark Elves fled the wrath of Tyrion and Teclis, abandoning their armour and weapons in the speed of their flight. The beauty of the Asur is one of light and glamour whilst the beauty of the Asrai is feral and wild. North and west they travelled, across the churning seas to the desolate wilderness of the continent of Naggaroth -- the Land of Chill.[1k]. Such bloody battles had not been seen since the civil war of the Sundering. Though he feared to wield the Sword of Khaine himself, Malekith was well aware of its powers and the vengeance Caledor would wreak upon the Naggarothi should he claim it. The Witch King did have one final revenge. Ulthuan was in ruins, but the vortex drew away much of the magical energy corrupting the world. At sea, the burgeoning High Elf fleet grew bolder and reinforcements and supplies from Naggarond were often intercepted, further weakening Malekith's grip.[1k]. He bade the Dreadlords of Naggaroth take ship about the globe, sowing terror wherever they might. Advised by Morathi, Malekith poured support into the many cults and sects that the Dark Elves participated in, openly supporting High Priests and High Priestesses like Hellebron, Aegethir and Kherathi. Great raiding fleets, their sails black against the night sky, bring woe and destruction to all the shores of the world, bearing terror and death to distant realms, often for no better reason than because there is no one who can stand against them. Here the Elves met the Dwarfs and soon the two races were fighting side-by-side, their armies waging war against the fierce Orcs of the mountains and the hideous Chaos beasts who now inhabited the deep woods. His departure was seen by the scrying spells of Morathi and she called down a storm to sink the High Elf fleet. As anarchy reigned, the Naggarothi moved swiftly, seizing many of the vital passes across the Annulii Mountains, separating the Inner Kingdoms of Ulthuan from the Outer Kingdoms. The Chracians slew the assassins but at great loss, and Imrik was saved. Only at Lothern and the White Tower were the Dark Elf armies checked in their advance. Malekith's bloody recriminations were short-lived as Tethlis launched his inevitable counterattack. For the Dark Elves, all of the world's bounty is theirs to do with as they wish -- provided that they have the strength to claim it. A dark underworld sea glittered in the lantern light, fed by dozens of small streams from the heart of the mountains. It was an accursed weapon and the moment Aenarion drew it from the altar he doomed both himself and his line.[1k]. Remnants of the many pleasurecults from Ulthuan continued to hold sway over the Dark Elves, but one sect in particular rose to dominate all others. Now formally trained in their towns and cities, these warriors fought for their homes and out of love for their king. He has never spoken of what he endured, not even to his mother, but eventually Malekith clawed and fought his way back to the world of mortals and was found not far from the northern watch towers, his body broken, his armoured skin rent with savage gashes and dents. He abandoned Anlec, breaking out of a siege that lasted for two hundred days, and made for the sanctuary of the Blighted Isle. The High Elves had never seen such creatures in great numbers before. For more than two hundred years, the Witch King revelled in this new method of war. They knew that to stay in the Inner Kingdoms was to risk their enemies surrounding them. Malekith gloried in the destruction and carnage and mercilessly crushed every army raised against him. Here Tethlis' hosts awaited them, and they had emptied the winter stores of all food and razed their own villages to deny the Dark Elves shelter. For all of Tethlis' cold fury, the Dark Elves had retained a foothold on Ulthuan and the Blighted Isle.[1k]. At one eastern capital, mystics called up strange illusions and beastly apparitions to assail the Dark Elves as they stormed the towers protecting the city. Such import was placed on these visions that Malekith and Morathi travelled to Ghrond to witness the unfolding scenes of slaughter and misery for themselves. More dangerous than the perils of frostbite and starvation were the many vicious predators that stalked these strange lands. Sci-Fi & Fantasy 07/13/20: Within the Dome Pt. Princes caught in the grip of the cults began to mutter that Bel Shanaar was weak, and an usurper of the Phoenix Throne.[1k]. Yet for the Dark Elves these were uncharted territories and for each fleet that returned with prizes and slaves, half a dozen came back to Naggaroth in failure.[1k]. The caverns were not deserted; all manner of strange animals made their homes in the dark beneath the world. This was to change dramatically when the Dark Elves of Hag Graef mined further into the mountains. For nearly ten years, the High Elf fleets sunk any Naggarothi ships that approached the northern coast. The Black Ark Citadel of Desolation sank untold fleets of unsuspecting nations and its raiders sacked entire cities. They take food and treasure, but the main purpose of their raids is to obtain slaves. In the ranting of waking nightmares, the Witch King spoke of castles of bones and forests of eyes. King Caledor responded to Malekith's invasion with typical determination, ordering the construction of immense fortifications at each of the main passes through the Annulii Mountains. The host of Malekith dwarfed that of the High Elves. In this race, however, the power of the Dark Gods has taken a subtle form. The High Elves had burnt their own lands and seen their people slaughtered in the fight against the Dark Elves, and they had no more stomach for battle. He promised rule of the south coast of the Sea of Malice to the rulers of Hag Graef. Nobody was above Malekith's scrutiny, from the lowest Elven farmer to the most vaunted prince. Advantage was also sought in subtler ways: Dark Elf ships shadowed Ulthuan's merchant vessels as they plied their trade, learning the location of the High Elves' closest allies. A wave of intellectual endeavour had swept the isle of the High Elves, following the rise to power of the new Phoenix King Bel-Korhadris, a mage of Saphery. All of these cities are evil places, steeped in death and agony. [1k], Guided by Morathi's counsel, Malekith accepted this new city. So great was his reputation that Bel Shanaar appointed Malekith to be his ambassador to the High King of the Dwarfs, Snorri Whitebeard.[1k]. The Witch King proclaimed himself a mortal incarnation of Khaine, his merciless instrument in the realm of the living. Or the lack of them. Not for five thousand years have the Dark Elves known peace.[1k]. Dark Elves raid all other lands, particularly Ulthuan, home of their enemies the High Elves. Kanye West – My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 18. Cold One Knights strike home in a blur of steel and claw, the cold skill of the riders matched only by the savagery of their steeds. Knowing that these short-lived savages could be easily controlled and swiftly grew in numbers, Malekith dispatched many fleets over the coming decades, to steal away whole settlements of humans and bring them back to Naggaroth. An armada of hundreds of ships left the shores of the Elven isle to face a dozen Black Arks under the command of Menreith Fellheart, grandson to the lord of the Palace of Joyous Oblivion that had been sunk so many centuries earlier. [1k], Knowing that his people needed time to revive their spirits, and wary of any threat that might prove the fatal blow to their wounded pride and lead to uprising, the Witch King turned all his resources to rebuilding the strength of Naggaroth and its six cities. Malekith soon became one of Aenarion's most deadly warriors, and learnt spellcraft from his mother so that he could wield fireballs and prophecy as easily as a sword and spear.[1k]. Divided, the entirety of the Elven realms were on the verge of being conquered within only weeks.[1k]. He was using his magic to visit nightmares upon the Phoenix King, testing his sanity with visions of Ulthuan engulfed in flames and Morvael's family lanced upon spikes amidst the ruins of the White Tower of Hoeth. Claiming a seat at the obsidian table is one of the highest honours, but also one of the most dangerous. Bitterness had done little to dull the Dark Elves' allure. He and his sorcerers would unbind the magic of the Ulthuan vortex created by Caledor Dragontamer, unleashing the full fury of the Realms of Chaos upon the island once more. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. The handful of Ulthuan's princes who had survived did not stand idle. Swooping down from the dark skies, Sulekh and Malekith crashed into the Elven host. [1k], Where before Malekith would have flown into a berserk rage, now he calculates the demise of his enemies with chilling ruthlessness. The Hag Queen Hellebron, leader of the cult, once refused her ritual bathing, but became so decrepit and age-worn that her loyal followers had to sustain her with their own blood until she repented and bathed in a Cauldron once more. Some of his people still clung to a pitiful existence in the ruins of Nagarythe, while the Blighted Isle, and upon it the Shrine of Khaine, was held by neither side. However, a band of Chracians who had accompanied him on his hunt heard the fighting and intervened. At that moment, agents from Nagarythe broke into the shrine and fighting broke out between those loyal to Malekith and those who opposed him. For nearly two decades, the followers of the cults surged out of hiding and assaulted the Nagarythian army, forcing Malekith to take shelter with Bel Shaanar in Tor Anroc.[1k]. These forces can be landed on the coast of an unsuspecting kingdom, perform a lightning raid, and be off before any of the local defence forces are able to react (the raiders do not do well in stand-up fights). If the Druchii -- the "Dark Elves" as their enemies had called them during the civil war, a name they now proudly embraced -- were to build a new kingdom in the west, they would need a work force to build it for them.[1k]. Energised with Chaos magic, their dark citadels were broken free from their rocky foundations and rose upon the frothing waves. With chilling shrieks of joy, N'kari set off on the hunt, speeding through the charred forests of Averlorn in search of the Everqueen.[1k]. Gathering his most fell warriors -- Assassins of Khaine, Sorceresses of the Convent and battle-hardened Corsairs -- Malekith marched out to meet the host of Tethlis.[1k]. They came closest to success when they caught Tethlis travelling north from the Phoenix Gate. Sci-Fi & Fantasy 09/28/20: Working Late (4.54) She had a plan to end her sexual dry spell. Malekith invited half a dozen of the most powerful nobles of Hag Graef to a feast. It was at this time that Aenarion met with the first of the Dragontamers, the powerful mage Caledor. Never again would Malekith be allowed free passage to ransack and burn the shrines and cities around Ulthuan's Inner Sea. The Blighted Isle had been lost, and with it all Dark Elf presence had been driven from Ulthuan for the second time. The unknown but foul heart of the cults on Ulthuan was Nagarythe, but Bel Shanaar was hesitant to act against the lands of Aenarion's own people. So far, Soulflayer has managed to shift any blame to other, now dead, council members, but this game can only be played for so long.[1l]. As well as campaigning across the lands that would eventually become the Empire, Bretonnia and the Badlands, Malekith travelled even further abroad. As reinforcements rushed back to Ulthuan, Malekith threw the might of his army against the sparse defenders of Griffon Gate. Whilst Dark Elves aim to rule the world, they at least make their ambitions plain. The hordes of Chaos were hurled from Ulthuan by the might of the Elves. While Clar Karond prospered, politics and infighting became rife within Naggarond. Malekith looked upon Ulthuan with eager eyes and saw that it was weak and vulnerable. Upon the site of Aenarion's throne room, Malekith raised his flag in proclamation to Ulthuan that Aenarion's true heir had returned. Patrols from the fortifications swept the lands clear of the primitive human tribes that came south intent on pillaging; all that they found was a grisly death or the chains of the slavemasters. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. The debauchery lasted for a whole month, and culminated in a massive hunt during which a thousand slaves were let loose into the forests and the Dark Elves chased them down over the following weeks. An expedition led by Eltharion of Tor Yvresse attacked Naggarond itself -- with stolen clothes Eltharion and a small group of warriors snuck into the Witch King's capital and opened one of the gates for Eltharion's army to enter. The Witch King rode upon a massive chariot wrought from black iron and enchanted with spells of dread and destruction. Over the coming years, Hag Graef attracted other Dark Elves seeking to elude the Witch King for some real or perceived misdeed. He ordered his Corsairs to target the Dwarf trade convoys, and provided maps of their secret routes that he had learnt whilst he was ambassador to Snorri Whitebeard. Malekith struck back with ferocious counterattacks and twice was forced to face Tethlis outside the gates of Anlec itself. In her death throes Sulekh cast Malekith from her back, pitching him into the ranks of the Phoenix Guard. Though his mother, Morathi, ranted and railed against the iniquity heaped upon Malekith, the son of Aenarion was the first to bow his knee to Bel Shanaar and swear fealty.[1k]. Their lightless dungeons are crammed with captives whose wailings fill the air and whose moans seep through the thick walls of the high towers, saturating the soul with pain and misery. Now steeped in the blackest of magic, Morathi sought further means to increase her mystical power. Outraged by the actions of Malekith's agents, Morvael gathered a war fleet and sent it to Naggaroth to exact revenge for the murder of Aethis. Thus ended the reign of the Phoenix King Caledor I, but his death did not end the war. In desperation, Aenarion went to the sacred fire of Asuryan, lord of the Elven pantheon, and offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice. Bodies and blood littered the waters as the volleys poured down from the cliff tops into the seas below. Aenarion called to the Elven gods to aid him, offering sacrifices to them for their intervention. [1k], The Dark Elves were ready for the attack and the High Elf host was soundly defeated as it landed its troops. While Ulthuan burned, the Witch King demanded that the Everqueen be found, or that her body be brought to him as proof of her death. Though Malekith could make no inroads towards the Inner Kingdoms, his armies remained poised on the far side of the Annulii Mountains, ever ready for a moment of weakness.[1k]. 17. Fires burnt as the High Elves ran amok, killing and razing what they could before stealing away into the pre-dawn shadows. The Dark Elves fought savagely and the massacre is celebrated as the "Day of Blood." On the second occasion, Malekith drove his warriors onward in a vicious pursuit, dogging the steps of Tethlis all the way to the Griffon Gate.[1k]. The Wood Elves listened politely for a time, then bade the Dark Elves leave, and never return.[1k]. While the Northmen fought ignorantly against the resurgent High Elves, over the following years the Naggarothi slipped away with their spoils, back to their chill cities in the north.[1k]. The High Elves were greeted by a hail of crossbow bolts that scythed though Tethlis' troops as they disembarked into the shallow surf. In the minds of the princes there was only one Elf who could combat the Naggarothi -- Imrik of Caledor. Aethis was a weak-willed aesthete. From hidden coves, Dark Elf raiders looted gold convoys and slave-traders, and brought back the riches of kings to adorn the palaces of Malekith. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. [1k], Direct war against the High Elves would serve no purpose, Malekith realised. Their wars and labours would remain unseen by the wider world. [1k], He stationed three Black Arks in the Dire Straits, the perilous stretch of water that led from the Great Ocean to the Sea of Chill, to protect against any High Elf incursion. With the dead choking the red waters, the High Elves battled their way onto the land.[1k]. Malekith and his followers were willing to risk everything for victory -- even the future of the whole world. He named this place Naggarond, the City of Winter, and its dark spires started to tower higher and higher over the growing pirate port that nestled in its black shadow.[1k]. [1l], The third most influential seat on the council belongs to the cadaverous noble known only as Ezresor -- a particularly cold-blooded individual widely assumed to be Malekith's spy master, though this has never been officially confirmed. In many ways, the language is similar to Eltharin but with a few alterations. The Black Arks Citadel of Ecstatic Damnation and Jade Palace of Pain beached amidst the ruins of Nagarythe. When the deeds of old can be erased by a cleverly-spoken word, what need is there for integrity and law? The High Elves were overwhelmed by the first attacks. A beautiful slave bound to servitude. Knowing that to retreat would be to give the Dark Elves an opportunity to counterattack, Caledor pushed onwards, fighting for every hillock, valley and isle. [1c], Stormclouds gather across the High Elf realms, and the Witch King's malevolent laughter echoes upon the wind. His bodyguard of White Lions was small, but they fought to the last Elf to defend their king, whose own blade accounted for half a dozen of his attackers. For centuries the Lizardmen have launched retaliatory attacks against Naggaroth in attempts to retrieve their treasures, and the enmity between the two races remains particularly bloody.[1k]. [1l], Command of Naggaroth's armies is split between several Dark Elf nobles, of whom the heavily-scarred Emir Soulflayer is most prominent. The Dark Elves found other entrances and built fortified gates from which to launch expeditions and guard against monsters rampaging into their lands.[1k]. Elves are cunning of mind and clever beyond the ken of mere mortals. [1k], The mage-king built a great edifice to his own glory and the study of the magical arts, raising the White Tower of Hoeth to rival the soaring spires of Ghrond. Through almighty strength of will, he lived through the punishment of the cleansing fires. It helped also that Malekith's emissaries were steeped in the most sinful and hidden of desires, and they used this knowledge to unlock that would otherwise have been fixed against them. Even the mighty Black Arks, once invincible, met their match. If Tethlis attempted to draw the Sword of Khaine, they would strike at once, cursed to sell their lives to prevent the Phoenix King from drawing the Murderer of Gods.[1k]. Malekith believed that the quality of his troops and the power of his Sorceresses would eventually prove too much for the garrison, and that it would be only a matter of time before the fortress fell to the army of the Witch King.[1k]. [1c], No matter their allegiance, all Elves are long-lived to the point of immortality, possessed of a self-assurance that falls little short of other-worldliness. Urian cut down a score of High Elves, seeking out Prince Tyrion, who in turn claimed dozens of Dark Elf lives with his runeblade, Sunfang. From Clar Karond, slaves and other prizes were moved swiftly to the mines of Hag Graef or to the capital. He would rather the world ended than see its greatest gem ruled by any other. Into the night the fighting continued, until not a single tribesman was left alive, though fully half of Malekith's warriors had also fallen. There, to my left: the abyss glows a little, silhouettes black swirling snow against a subtle lessening of the darkness. The Witch King himself once travelled to the farthest reaches of the world, and personally led many attacks. The ragged horde filled the horizon with their numbers and they advanced south from the Chaos Wastes as if the gods themselves chased them. [1k], Malekith's inner circle always numbers exactly one hundred lords and ladies of Naggaroth called Dreadlords -- though not all are living. Here was a Phoenix King who thought much of himself and when the Dwarfs demanded explanation for the attacks on their merchants, his arrogance got the better of him.

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