idols in the catholic church

Acts 2:1-14, *6) THE REFERENCE OF CATHOLIC PRIESTS AS _’FATHER’_ WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE FATHER IN HEAVEN* You shall not covet your neighbour's wife. I have also followed the debates by various contributors with keen interest. While identifying the Roman Catholic Church as Mystery Babylon, we hasten to remind all sincere Christians that many of Christ's true followers are still members of this Church. It also breaks the second Commandment forbidding making images of things in heaven. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; of one piece of the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on its two ends. Replica statues displayed in a Rome church were stolen and dumped in the Tiber. During a plague of serpents which was sent upon the Israelites, God commanded Moses to make a statue of a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole, anyone who was bitten by the live serpents and looks upon the statue on the pole shall live. 1. Ex 25:10-22 Lk. And then they want to see it in the Bible. The Commandments of God are these ten: They certainly cannot claim to be founded by Jesus Christ; and they don’t even agree with each other. 1:73, *7) IS THE BIBLE IN SUPPORT OF THE HIERARCHY IN THE CHURCH? Have to much to do with kids to go to Church What God commands is not against making images, but “Worshiping them as gods”, and replacing the Unseen God with the images we carve, depending on them and ascribing attributes to them which belong to God alone. 6 And I saw the woman [Church] drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: [The Catholic Church murdered and tortured over 68,000,000 Christian saints].”. Any image God wanted man to make for reverence, He gave the specifications for it, like the Ark you mentioned, when He described how the cherubims were to be made and in what direction they will be. If I am told to remember my leaders in Hebrews, Some faithful Catholics decided to take action against the public display of pagan idols in the Catholic Church. The Beast System of the Antichrist will begin with a One-World religion, which will ultimately be led by the False Prophet (Revelation 16:13). “Honour thy mother & father!” – Mary was given the privilege & honour to be Jesus’ mother! Today’s focus is soley on those made of plaster, cement, ceramic, iron or marble. In his latest outrage, Pope Francis has had the police fish out of the Tiber the Pacha idols an anonymous Catholic removed from a church near St. Peter’s Square and threw into the river. Please quote a single verse from the “Common?” Bible where it says Men should NOT make statues of Mary, Jesus or Joseph and venerate them in Worship? “Neither shalt thou SET thee UP ANY IMAGE: which the Lord thy God HATES.” Do Catholics set up any IMAGE OF STONE? If you are well acquainted with Ecclesiastical history, you will know that even the Bones of Peter was safely kept as a relic and was later found buried beneath St Peters Basilica. Mtt 16:19, 1-20, *15) IS INFANT BAPTISM IN THE BIBLE? 6. For more information on the crimes of the Catholic Church, see Catholic Church error and was Peter the first Pope? Catholic Online has many special features to help you find the information you are looking for. Company coming over later, no time to go to Church Exodus 20:4-5 If u are so bittered with d image of Christ the saviour who saved u or dat of his blessed mother who cooperated with God for d salvific plan, den ure jst getting started! Within less than an hour of Church Militant contacting the priest for comment, the tweet with the photograph of the idols was deleted. @egw. Worship is sacrificial in our understanding. Mayb u will have to mention where in the bible u’v been told to take photographs of ourselves or loved ones. Lk. Our kids have pictures of Saints to help them to live their lives dedicated to Jesus Christ. I would have expected Catholics to have said the same thing in regards to the second Commandment but when it comes to idolatry, instead of stating they deleted the second Commandment and they were allowed to do this, some Catholics tend to get upset and say that there is no idolatry in the Catholic Church. The early Christians witnessed several miracles wrought by God in the tombs of the Martyrs, and to them, this is confirmation of the present Doctrine of the Communion of Saints. Lev. 21:8-9 Zech 13:1-2 2. “For the altar of incense made of refined gold, and its weight; also his plan for the golden chariot of the cherubim that spread their wings and covered the ark of the covenant of the Lord. Images are put in Churches that they may be worshipped.”. All this he made clear by the writing of the hand of the Lord concerning it all, all the work to be done according to the plan” (1 Chr. Yes. And that in turn can … This man stands against everything the Church believes, but cannot deny the fact that images can be used for religious purposes without offending God. 1:42, *11) IS HOLY WATER THE WILL OF GOD TO BE USED? to “Any One” so long as you cannot see the Person(s) you address. Do Catholics SET UP ANY IMAGES? It is a beautiful and holy faith if one has the patience to learn their teachings with an open mind and heart. Because to them, it is just enough to raise the head or the hand to reach Jesus. Gen 17:4 2 kings 13:20-21, *14) WHY MUST WE CONFESS OUR SINS TO ANYBODY OTHER THAN GOD. It got me wondering God decided for us how He wants us to Worship Him, anytime you decide how YOU are going to do that, YOU turn God into what YOU want Him to be, not what or Who He is. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 1:28, An essential difference exists between idolatry and the veneration of images practiced in the Catholic Church, viz., that while the idolater credits the image he reverences with Divinity or Divine powers, the Catholic knows “that in images there is no divinity or virtue on account of which they are to be worshipped, that no petitions can be addressed to them, and that no trust is to be placed in them… Do Catholics BOW DOWN and kiss the foot of the pagan god Jupiter which was renamed St Peter? (Isaiah 58:13-14) Group 2, which is comprised of most Churches have one of a million and one different excuses. The Saviour died for them as well as people of all other faiths. 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman [Church:Scriptures] sit upon a scarlet [Sin:Isaiah 1:18 sinful because she changed God's law that defines sin] coloured beast [Kingdom:Daniel 7:17; 7:23], full of names of blasphemy [she has many blasphemous practices], having seven heads and ten horns. and as mentioned in the bible, “abide by faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these is love” (1corinthians13:13 new testament bible)…thus, love for God depicted rather in providing the basic human needs of all people for family welfare (i.e. Roman Catholic Church is the church that is headed by a pope. I strongly believe that the photo of your family that is being honoured, has no place in the bible, and it is just a personal decision. “Hail, O Thou Almighty Wall! Love is a deeper meaning than honor. God, through this statue extended his healing to the people of Israel, when they looked, upon this serpent, they survived. Hebrews 13 vs. 7 “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” So an Idolater is a devoted admirer of idols but what does the Bible say about images and idols? Jn. They resolve this problem by splitting Commandment number 10 into 9 and 10. My Bible says He founded His Church on Peter and that He and the Father would send the Holy Spirit to guide it. See the mark of the beast and the origins of 666 to find more on why God calls the Catholic Church Babylon and to discover how so much idolatry ended up in the Catholic Church. No mortal wud have his mum insulted nd abused but we all don’t even care about the mother of our Lord and Savior… Dis is outrageous… I rest ma case. If you say making images for religious purpose is wrong: Then God made a mistake asking images to be made, and the Israelites were idolaters for virtually placing their hopes in the God who through the Ark manifests himself. This presents them with the problem of only having 9 Commandments. 10. Winning at rugby was to became hugely important to Catholic schools; high schools such as St Bedes, St Pat’s Silverstream, and St Peter’s all had periods of first XV success – and that mattered to New Zealand Catholics . Note the following blasphemous quote from the Catholic Church that makes God obsolete. Acts 18:8 Any idea as to how much older the Church that Jesus Christ founded and then sent the Holy Spirit to guide it is? Partying to much, to late Saturday night, to get out of bed on time for Church See also paganism in the Catholic Church and the origin of Babylon and sun worship. Once one does not think an image is Infinite, can directly answer him or hear him, and is the sole object of his prayer (and not someone “behind” the scene), then praying before a religious image is not idolatry just like praying before a tomb with the image of a beloved one departed. Every Catholic institution has images of Mary, Jesus and male and female figures. Yes. Catholic culture bought into an alternative religion, which had its own rituals and idols. (these help to remind us of what they stand for) when we ask for the proper, natural, so it is offered to us – like me – mid-2009 – and I feel good every day my well being every day. 2. 12:38-46, *2) USE OF IMAGES AND SACRAMENTS _(these reminds us of what they stand for)_* Jobs, working on Sunday Mt16:19Jesus gave absolute biblical authority to his church through St. Peter, that whatever granted by church’s authority shall be approve also in heaven. That was too much for militant Catholic conservatives, who complained at this use of “pagan idols”. Is 35:8, 52:1 Despite this, many Roman Catholics are very quick to tell us that their Church does have the authority to change the law of God and so their change of the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday was allowed. Mtt 28:19 * * Perhaps one of the most argued practice of the Church is the use of images, virtually every Protestant denomination deem this idolatry “Catholics worship idols”, so goes the claim, “they are violating the commandment of God” as backup they quickly resort to Exodus 20:4-5 : Even an Anti-Catholic writer Loraine Boettner has this to say. I believe that the time and energy used in making and worshipping this statutes, should go into worshipping God alone. This is merely an act of respect rather than adoration. 2 Thes 2:15 But He is not “a” god or “the” God. What of all those other idols? Unfortunately, many of these daughter Churches have also ignorantly inherited her various false doctrines and this is why SHE is called the “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” and is mystery Babylon. * Many questions have been posed where some contributors demanded biblical evidence in some of the traditions of the Church. James 5 v16-18 encourages us to ask Holy people for prayers so that we may grow in holiness. The instrumentum seems to advance a view of religion very much at odds with what the Catholic Church has taught for more than 2,000 years. I’m on vacation The Oxford dictionary defines an idol as: “An image used as an object of worship. Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church have their own version of the Ten Commandments, and not only changed the fourth Commandment, which is why most Churches now worship on Sunday, but they also deleted the second Commandment on idolatry? It is also idolatry as it worships a pagan 3 in 1 god which comes from the worship of the sun. It is possible that in some cases this may not be apparent in ones own Church but it does exist in a huge way in the Papal Catholic system and is especially obvious in South America and in Rome. But are they sure that their prayers will go to Jesus..and to our God?! Posted by: [email protected] - Oct. 26, 2019 1:11 AM ET USA Great article. 8. Pope in Rome is the highest authority and Vatican is the seat of Christianity (for the Catholics). You shall not covet your neighbour's goods.” Exodus 20:1-17. They are unaware of the deception under which they worship. The bible told us about the end of a lot of people in the bible. The images and pictures serves as visual aid; and just like what a laser beam do to a target. All the glory alone must be to Him, He will not share His glory with anyone, even your family. Answer: Sadly, our Catholic friends and family members have been indoctrinated to believe that the use of statues, relics, and other articles is acceptable and even necessary for worship. Who do we believe, the Word of God or the Catholic Church? An essential difference exists between idolatry and the veneration of images practiced [sic] in the Catholic Church, viz., that while the idolater credits the image he reverences with Divinity or Divine powers, the Catholic knows “that in images there is no divinity or virtue on account of which they are to be worshipped, that no petitions can be addressed to them, and that no trust is to be placed in them.” 2 … These are pagan idols and should never be present in a Catholic church. The Church cannot modify her beliefs just because she is accused, she merely, through her ministers and lay apostles, teaches and reteaches what she received from the Apostles. We expect to recall and gain reply from they whom they represent. Some Jews once believed that the command of God “Thou shalt not make for yourself any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth…” meant that even having a personal portrait would violate this command as well. “The deal with this is that – this was strange statues brought to a Catholic church. God calls an idolatrous Church a HARLOT and a WHORE and guilty of adultery and fornication: symbolic of how literal Babylon was built over water: official Vatican colours, OT Priest robes ALSO had blue which represents God's law: very few understand what originated from this mystery Babylonian religion and where many of the traditions of the Catholic religion really started, God calls her Babylon because her paganism that has affected His true Church originated from literal Babylon, Catholic Church calls herself the Mother Church, many Churches came from her and ignorantly took on her pagan idolatrous practices, she is guilty of the most abominable crimes, The Catholic Church murdered and tortured over 68,000,000 Christian saints, Roman Catholic Version of the Ten Commandments, change of the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday, Catholic Church error and was Peter the first Pope. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation and even to make it her boast… the great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized” — The Story of Catholicism p 37. 4. Many Churches today are called daughter Churches because they originally came from the Catholic Church. “How ye turned to God FROM IDOLS to serve the living and true God.” 25:18–20). * The idols that trip me up as a church leader aren’t tangible figures of supposed gods and goddesses. * and community activities (even in ordinary life) beyond rituals and prayers) must be exalted more for the religious authorities and religious members of the church for these truly and actually depict family love (as love for God) – that God has shown to humanity in freely giving all resources to all humanity for free wherein heaven is depicted as a place without money, business, and infrastructure – but a condition among people that is filled with the love of freely giving of blessings and sharing of resources…and charitably extending this family love to non-members of the church would strengthen more this love for God as “God’s Love” – the heavenly charity for the needy as exemplified by Our Lord Jesus Christ in the bible… That is: 9. That God can and had willed the making of such images as symbols of his presence and action. Yes. John 5:1-18 Jesus and the apostles are males. Look at the image of the sun in both pictures.. 4. Those who harden their hearts will never understand and we can only pray to God to forgive them for they do not know what they are doing by attacking Christ’s holy church. 1. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There are many more such examples that could be given of where the Catholic Church is involved in worshiping other gods. The False Idols of Place Because the Lord does a great work in the hearts of His people when they gather, the places of gathering can move from a tool for transformation to an object of worship. Thanks to this article! You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. They hav fails to look beyond d physical and I pity them. strong>Related… Becuz we kept it alive. Please quote a single verse where the common bible requires men men to make statues of mary, Jesus, or joseph and use them in our worship. Confusion often results in violence. Staues were used as a way to Evangelize, to share the Holy Bible with those who could not read. I believe that the time and energy used in making and worshipping this photo, should go into worshipping God alone. Please can you refer me to anywhere in the bible, where you have been instructed to have a photo of your family on your desk at work. Jayson, you forget that Veronica whipped Jesus’ face and there was a print of His face on the cloth…do you know what that signifies? A person or thing that is the object of excessive devotion.” If you hail Mary, then you are committing IDOLATRY. We offer Masses to God alone, and we believe this Act, together with other liturgical acts of Adoration to be due to God alone. The word idol does not appear in the Old Testament Genesis 35:2, “Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments.” Their Spirit can function independently like a third person (but is not a literal third person) and is how “They” represent “Themselves” where they are not personally present. Remember, that while on earth, we are living and travelling towards the unknown, and any signage and direction are most welcome, just like this valuable images and pictures does to our faith! Catholics merely use these images as helpers for recalling those things or the Person(s) the images depict. They will say that the Catholic Church is the original church set up by Christ and that they are simply following what Christ has revealed in his church. Our humble apologies to all Roman Catholics but genuine love demands preaching of Bible truth so that no honest person will be deceived for eternity is at stake. Just take a history class and decide if you follow Jesus Christ or Henry VIII, Martin Luther, John Knox, or one of the myriad of other founders of Protestant churches. 4. Sad to say, the narrow-minded protestant, whose heart is inflamed with the hatred to Mother Mary, wont understand this! Rev. Show me in the Bible where Jesus said He was basing His church on a Bible or even that a Bible should be written? Neither rear you up a STANDING IMAGE. One has to really hold another in highest esteem; they must have to hold these statues or people to be the Source of their existence and their Last End, before those gestures can have an element of worship in them. Only a very small percentage of people could read, even into the 19th century (that would be the 1800’s) If you say its Bowing, people bow to people (as though the Japanese) or even the Yoruba (in Nigeria), they would prostrate to the ground to greet an elder. Of all the most ridiculous lies that uninformed people tell about Catholics is the notion of idol worship. 12:47-48, 58-59 When it comes to the fourth Commandment, there seems to be 3 groups. How EXACTLY does God describe an IDOL? Do Catholics MAKE graven images? What others you may be asking? Yes. perhaps religious images that rather depict loving actions such as in prayer or family love (or remind people about the lives of people having a worthy relationship with God) – could encourage believers to do the same (such as praying or affection among parents and children, and doing charitable acts as inspired by saints) and remind us the good deeds (and important events) involving the persons depicted by the religious images…however, veneration of such religious images could already involve much on faith (merely to believe) than love (the action required to fulfill the essence of the image) when religious images are supposed to be an inspiration of idealism on being more loving, hopefully than actually believing the religious images (or objects) could provide power, answer prayers, perform miracles, etc. Idol worship!” I have seen Orthodox Jews praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Ex 30:33-37 Remember, they are the cause of Jesus’ Death. 2. But this is not true. We pray physically in front of the images or statues and in our mind we believe that we are praying to our God in heaven. We have six justices (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Sotomayor, Kavanaugh, and Barrett) who profess to be Catholic (and Gorsuch was “raised Catholic”). “It is ironic that this happened in a church named in honour of the English martyrs whose feast day was only celebrated a week ago,” Catholic journalist Caroline Farrow told Church Militant. Num. 3. Because He hates it. I know Who I follow. We are not talking to idols. What makes you think Judaism (Israelites are long gone) does not honor its prophets and leaders? They had to be based on something. Please note that I do not endorse all doctrines taught by the various producers of videos on this domain. We are not praying to the mere statue which is just clay or cement or soil or some other material..Our mind is speaking not to the idol, but to the God in heaven. If you say making images is wrong, just making them at all: Then God condemns the making of personal portraits and even the Protestants (INCLUDING YOU) are idolaters. The above article was well researched and has helped me to know my faith better. To the Pentecostal, worship is basically any gesture you make, words, songs, etc. Why does God call an image an ABOMINATION? Christ came to disperse the spirits behind them — rampant across Israel and the Levant, as well as Greece and Rome — in those early days. If after reading this, someone is still saying we Catholics worship idols, then I am tempted to say that persons head needs to b re examined, to check what he/she has as brain! Which I will treat under the title “Do Catholics worship the Saints”. Collosians 1 v 3 for we have heard of your faith in Jesus Christ and of the love that you have for all the Saints because of the hope laid up for you in Heaven. Can man change the Ten Commandments of God that define what sin is? Thou shalt not BOW DOWN thyself to them Nor SERVE them.” Personally I am of the opinion that the Catholic concept of worship differs greatly to that of the Protestant. Lk.1:10 The Pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts as vicegerent of God upon earth...” — Lucius Ferraris, in “Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica, Juridica, Moralis, Theologica, Ascetica, Polemica, Rubristica, Historica”, Volume V, article on “Papa, Article II”, titled “Concerning the extent of Papal dignity, authority, or dominion and infallibility”, #30, published in Petit-Montrouge (Paris) by J. P. Migne, 1858 edition. For detailed information see the Roman Catholic Version of the Ten Commandments. It is important to note that the primary disagreement of Protestant and Catholic teachings on this topic is not so much about practice as some fundamental understanding of concepts. Group 3 is the Catholic Church and they have only one excuse. Deuteronomy 27:15 Kennedy, NY, 1942). The Catholic Church condemns idolatry “By worshiping idols and images as God, or believing that they possess any divinity or virtue entitling them to our worship, by praying to, or reposing confidence in them” Catechism of the Council of Trent (374). 2 kings 2:19-22 Early Christian writers such as Irenaeus, Clement, Cyprian, Athanasius and Jerome wrote strongly AGAINST images, statues and any manner of prayer or veneration regarding them. The cherubim shall spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy seat with their wings, their faces one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubim be” (Ex. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. Job 42:8 Mere outward actions cannot be absolute basis for judging an action to be of worship. Mtt. He is the “Son of God.” And the Holy Spirit is the presence and power of God manifested through His Son Jesus Christ. It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach human rules as though they were my laws!' 7. That even saying “Mary, pray for us” is considered an abomination tilting towards idolatry. The early church went to prison and horrible deaths rather than even give lip service to the Emporer being Lord… could you even imagine them countenancing idols as part of the worship service? However, papal authority is on the wane as though he is still the figurative head in the west. Why not the Mother of God then? The result is that our land is “full of idols” (Isaiah 2:8). Still baffles how we canprais nd adore humans portraits but not dat of d mother of God nd holy saints. – we don’t worship statues – but – the image allows us to remember and pray for the memory of the saints……. The entire being of Man worships God and this includes the imaginative power of man. Am having a funny feeling dat ure one of dos kingdom halls freaks who don’t believe in d divinity of Christ! YES* Thanks Jennings, You shall not covet your neighbour's wife. Prayer is a speech between humans and God and our heart initiates this divine communication. Anyone with a Bible can found his own church and claim to be right as they have no magisterium. But, the problem is it puts itself at such a high level of authority to which it requires submission, that asking if it serves as an idol is a valid question. Please help Rekindle our faith by sharing with a fellow Catholic today, let’s build up our faith. 1 cor 16:1-2 That is the truest form of idolatry! Where does it say that you cannot? Fish are biting Show me where in the Bible Jesus said that a Bible should be written or that churches should be based on a Bible or any other book. 3. Placing their pictures or images where we worship does not really mean that we are worshiping pictures but no doubt it takes us to a realm far beyond those images. One such doctrine being the Catholic Trinity which most just assume is correct, but it is in fact a Catholic creation. “But to us there is but ONE GOD, THE FATHER, of whom are all things, and we in him; AND ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, by whom are all things, and we by him.” 1 Corinthians 8:6, “And this is life eternal, that they might know you the ONLY TRUE GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, whom you have sent.” John 17:3. You shall not commit adultery. can be postures/elements found in worship, but not all bowing, kneeling is worship.

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