american film institute best animated movies

When no one volunteers to lead the legions against Spartacus, Gracchus is forced to ask Crassus, who is delighted to head the campaign to "restore order" to Rome. Although bleeding heavily, McCabe kills Breed then heads to the forest at the edge of town. The following morning, Wonderly summons Sam to her new address, where she confesses that her real name is Brigid O'Shaughnessy and that the story she related the day before was completely false. Batty convinces Sebastian that he needs to speak to Tyrell directly, and they go along with Pris to Tyrell’s headquarters. Back in New York, Annie accuses Alvy of following her. Upset that Annie needs to get high in order to make love, he takes the joint away. After the confrontation, Frank and Elvira leave, and Tony returns his attention to Gina. Production Company: Phil Feldman Productions, Inc., Warner Bros.--Seven Arts, Inc. The T-1000 exits and steps into spilled liquid nitrogen which causes it to freeze and break apart. Helen rushes to Tom's office, where she is dismayed to learn that he is more interested in the fame and fortune that will result from betraying Klaatu than in the reason for his visit. Alvy tells Annie he would love to hear her sing and she overcomes her shyness by allowing him to attend. Implying that he does not want his vulnerable daughter to be taken advantage of, but also indicating that he feels sorry for the girl Hollis was seeing, Cross offers to double what Evelyn is paying if Jake finds the girl. Asking Victor to take a walk, Harold endures a minutely detailed account of his uncle's war adventures during another military pep talk. To celebrate the betrothal, Crassus insists that a gladiatorial match be arranged, ignoring Batiatus’ concern that forcing the slaves to fight to the death in their own camp could cause an uprising. American Film Institute Sports. As Miles walks Becky outside, he speaks with a policeman who asked Sally for an appointment but now says it is unnecessary. Before one of the assassins can detonate the bomb, Tony shoots him. Wanting a fresh start in her marriage, she is concerned about an anonymous blackmailer who stole a letter Mark wrote to her, but never picked up the money she paid or returned the letter. During the ensuing standoff, Jules quotes a Bible passage, Ezekiel 25:17, which he has traditionally recited before murdering his targets. When Brogan-Moore arrives, Sir Wilfrid tells him that the case should be easy, as there was absolutely no motive for Leonard to kill Mrs. French, who might have given him money if she had lived. They succeed, however, and take a remaining German soldier as their prisoner. While pretending to fix Verna's radio, he rigs up a signal that will locate the truck for the agents and then leaves a message on a gas station washroom mirror. In the company of his mother and the detectives, Roger returns to the Townsend home but there is no sign of the kidnapping incident. That evening, Sir Wilfrid ponders Christine’s testimony, telling Mayhew that he cannot understand why she lied. Ray’s vehicle stalls and later must be towed, costing him the sale. Production Company: Walter Wanger Pictures, Inc. Cotton only pretends to do the deed, however, and leaves a pack of cigarettes behind with his friend. Peter informs her that he will help her reach Westley only if she will give him her exclusive story, which he needs to redeem himself, and that if she does not cooperate, he will call her father. On St. Valentine's Day, seven gangsters are lined up in a garage and shot execution style. Especially interested in Bambi, the new arrival, is young rabbit Thumper, who watches the fawn take his first awkward steps. After Jake tries to convince Escobar that there has been a plot to divert water and that Hollis was murdered because of it, Escobar gives him two hours to find Evelyn and bring her in to the police. After he is thrown from his horse and knocked unconscious, Roman soldiers storm the house. Woody, a cowboy sheriff figure, is Andy’s longtime favorite toy and the unofficial leader of the group, which includes a Bo Peep doll, Mr. Although Paulie forbids him any further involvement in drugs, Henry secretly maintains his connections to a supplier in Pittsburgh, and recruits Jimmy and Tommy to help. After tempers have cooled down, Jurors 8 and 9 point out the inconsistencies in the prosecution's version of events on the night of the murder, and Juror 9 is especially convincing when he notes problems with the testimony of a prosecution witness who, like himself, is elderly. Paulie declares that divorce is not an option and orders Henry to return to his family. Defying all expectations, Ollie scores two free throw points and wins the game. Before going on to the state finals, Norman and Myra admit their mutual attraction, and Everett encourages his father to get well. Some time later, in a remote landscape, Deckard and Rachael drive through the wilderness together. When Schindler’s workers fail to report to the factory, he goes to Plaszow to inquire about their whereabouts, and must ingratiate himself with Goeth to allow for their release. Henry talks her down, promising that he loves her. One of his wives, a young white woman, then displays some of the scalps on a pole. Afterward, Marsellus enlists Vincent to take his wife, Mia, out on the town while he is away. After Paul returns to his seat, Maida whispers that Mary, who earlier had left the courtroom, is waiting in the hall to talk to him. When a helicopter passes, the T-1000 drives out the window, grabs onto the aircraft, and commandeers it. Soon after, at the coroner’s inquest, Madeleine’s death is ruled a suicide, although the official lambasts Scottie’s lack of action. Pinocchio joins the other boys on the coach driven by a mysterious coachman, and soon is indulging in the cigars, beer and billiards offered at Pleasure Island. Upon arrival, the time machine runs out of fuel, and Marty hides it behind a billboard. Fearing that The Pie would be made into a sideshow, Velvet tells her father she is not interested. Spartacus stands to speak, but before he can sacrifice himself, Antoninus stands and declares, “I am Spartacus.” One by one, each slave follows suit, choosing death over betraying the man who brought him freedom. Forty days into the drive, the men are forced to endure heavy rains and short rations, as a grub wagon was lost in the stampede. In the spring, Spartacus is overjoyed to learn that Varinia is pregnant. They vehemently maintain their innocence, and claim to have stuck by their code: “Unit, corps, god, country.” Later, prosecuting attorney Captain Jack Ross negotiates a plea bargain with Kaffee. He leads her around the diner, introducing everyone and reciting intimate details of their lives. Before he disappears into the cornfield, Shoeless Joe asks if he is in heaven, and Ray responds, “No, it’s Iowa.” Later, Annie’s brother, Mark, informs Ray that he is going to lose his farm and offers to buy the property before the bank forecloses on it. As they are watching The Pie in the field, the horse jumps Ede's wall and dashes off toward town. Unknown to Roger, Eve is an associate of Vandamm, who is also onboard the train with Leonard. Resentful of the growing bond between Laura and the handsome detective, Waldo insults Mark, and Laura coolly sends her old friend away. Deckard realizes that Gaff spared her life, thinking she would terminate in four years like the other Replicants. Claiming to be intrigued by crime, Waldo asks to accompany Mark on his investigation, and the two men call on Laura's aunt, the wealthy Ann Treadwell. Thorwald then bursts in, but Jeff, sitting in the dark, momentarily blinds him by taking flash pictures with his camera. One day, Kris has lunch with seventeen-year-old Alfred, a janitor who plays Santa at the YMCA. Mike and Rod start a brawl, and police arrive to break it up. He watches through the slats as Frank becomes psychologically unhinged, inhaling drug vapors through a gas mask, simulating sex, and slapping Dorothy while referring to her as “Mommy.” When Frank leaves, Jeffrey consoles the frenzied singer, and she propositions him for sex. They reach the office in time to see Nemo feigning death, hoping to be flushed down the toilet, as Gill has assured him that all drains lead to the sea. When D’Arque throws Maurice into his carriage, Gaston offers to have him released in exchange for Belle’s hand in marriage. The men head back, but it is too late, for upon their arrival at the Edwards home, they discover that everyone has been brutally murdered except for Lucy and Debbie, who have been taken by the Comanche. Butch and Sundance ride hard through the day into the evening, returning to the friendly bordello, but their efforts to throw off the pursuers fail, forcing them to escape into the night. Because the bank has called in their loan, they have no money, only the honeymoon cash that Mary offers. She and Michael are finally found innocent and exonerated in 1988, eight years after Azaria’s diappearance. Louden Downey’s next of kin, Aunt Ginny Miller, to represent him as private counsel. At home, Deckard examines a photograph taken from Kowalski’s apartment and blows it up to find an image of a woman. Jeffrey drops the intercom and runs to the living room. Cody decides to take advantage of an approaching storm to leave the hideout. Later, Waldo takes Mark to a restaurant and recalls how he met Laura five years earlier: Waldo is dining alone at the Algonquin when he is approached by Laura, an eager young employee of an advertising agency. As Scottie presses her about why she jumped into the bay, and about “where” and “when” she currently is, Madeleine relates that she feels like she is walking down a long corridor, covered with mirrored fragments that reflect a life not her own, yet familiar. Judah will not listen, though, and leaves, determined to find a means of revenge against Messala. Marty’s girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, gives him a pep talk after school, but they are interrupted by an older woman handing out pamphlets to protest the replacement of the town’s broken clock tower; the tower, which was struck by lightning in 1955, has become a landmark, but the mayor has plans to replace it with a working clock. That night, Groot suggests to Tom, who has not been sleeping and has started drinking, that he tell the men that they did well, but he refuses. Elwood declines, but when Veta explains how hard it has been to live with Harvey, he agrees to take the shot. Because it is located outside the ghetto, the workers must be deemed “essential” and receive blue cards to allow them to come and go. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Tony, Manny and Gina are falling in love. As the matches begin, the patricians banter happily, undisturbed by the desperation of the fighting men. McCabe struggles to reach the brothel, but collapses in the snow and dies slowly as Constance settles into an opium daze. Judah then takes Esther's slave ring and promises to wear it until he meets the woman he will marry. The defiant Rolfe sneers that in five years the convicted men will be free. That night, George wanders over to Mary's house. After another incident on the court, Myra discovers that Norman was permanently suspended from coaching in New York for physically assaulting one of his own players during a game. Emilio takes them to Scar's village, where they finally meet their elusive enemy, who explains that because his two sons were killed by white men, he has taken many white scalps in revenge. Some days later, McCabe is startled by the arrival of British cockney Constance Miller who proposes that he back her in establishing a professional brothel. Every now and then trivia question writers like to delve into these lists and torture poor, poor defenseless trivia players. Amanda reacts angrily, but their quarrel is interrupted by the arrival of singer Kip Lurie. Getting word that his old rival English Bob is in town, Little Bill seeks him out and demands he relinquish his weapons. Presented by the American Film Institute (AFI), the lists were unveiled on a television special broadcast by CBS on June 17, 2008. The alien uses its powers to levitate balls of clay into the air, mimicking the orbit of planets in the solar system, and revive a wilted flower. Later, Butch, Sundance and the gang make another strike on the Flyer and Butch is delighted to discover the committed Woodcock back on the job. One night, Lou's mother becomes gravely ill and must go to the hospital. Dyson’s employer, Cyberdyne Systems, will use the microprocessor to innovate military technology, resulting in the creation of the machines ultimately controlled by Skynet. During his final appeal, Frank urges them to consider their religious values and humanity’s intrinsic sense of justice. Under cross-examination, Myers brings up new evidence that Leonard and an unidentified young woman had visited a travel agent on the day of Mrs. French’s murder and were interested in deluxe cruises. New forensic reports claim the baby was decapitated, and police find a stain underneath the dashboard of the Chamberlains’ car that appears to be dried blood. Galloway joins Kaffee and Weinberg on a visit to Guantanamo Bay, where they examine William Santiago’s barracks room and speak with Col. Jessep, who refuses to answer Galloway’s questions about the practice of “Code Reds.” He claims Santiago was set to be transferred off the base the morning of his death, but when Kaffee requests a copy of Santiago’s transfer order, Jessep flies into a rage and demands that Kaffee ask “nicely.” Back in Washington, D.C., Galloway gets permission from Pfc.

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